Industry News

  • When we buy it in the store, we can check whether its color is uniform, whether the surface is smooth and comfortable, whether its cross-section is honeycomb-like, and whether there are local undulations and height differences. if we bend it by hand, It is not easy to deform and is elastic; when the surface is tapped with a hand, the sound is crisp, which means that the material of this pvc plastic hose has strong toughness and good quality, while the inferior pvc plastic hose is very brittle, even if it is lightly broken. Cracked.


  • PVC is the abbreviation of polyvinyl chloride, which is a plastic material.


  • If the material of PVC hose is hard, then the high temperature of 70 degrees Celsius can be tolerated; If the material of PVC hose is soft


  • Expert in Brass Garden Hose - Yuhuan Golden-Leaf Valve Manufacturing Co., Ltd. today will introduce to you Will copper rust? Why are water pipe joint valves made of copper? Our series products represented by Duty Brass 4 Way Hose Manifold Hose Pipe Adapter have become industry models and have won the love of buyers all over the world!


  • The most detailed introduction to connector selection skills The expert of garden faucet hose fittings - Yuhuan Golden-Leaf Valve Manufacturing Co., Ltd. introduces you in detail the purchasing skills of garden faucet hose fittings. Our Aluminum 4-Way Hose Connector products have been recognized by our customers with advanced production technology and excellent quality!


  • The company owns all kinds of advanced production equipment more than 100 employees and establishes the forging workshop, precision workshop and assembly workshop.The factory integrates both of design and production for meeting the needs of our customers.(China aluminum watering hose)


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