The goods were delivered just after work today, the workers are very happy, today's task were completed successfully. we will be in the best state to complete the work efficiently in the future.Looking forward to the cooperation of new and old customers
There are much more electronic fraud because it's so hard to detect and prevent.Police spokesman reminded all job workers to be cautions of all possible fraudulent investment plans such as telecom fraud, pyramid selling and modelling frauds.Telecom fraud has caused grave harm, said the MPS, vowing to continue the fight against telecom fraud. Our workers also actively cooperate with them
Aluminum alloy surface is easy to generate a very thin layer of alumina membrane, has certain corrosion resistance, but as a result of this layer of oxide film is a crystal, the lost original luster on the surface of the aluminum.
Each spray nozzle will be passed by strict tests before shipment to check the products have any bad phenomenon such as leakage and O-ring deformation.
We will inform the customer of the delivery time in advance, then the sleeve will work with our hardware products by compressed air pressure machine together.
Some of our customers' products need surface pickling or color washing. After acid washing, the gray film on the surface is removed to make the products brighter and cleaner.